The standards, curriculum and teaching requirements in transitional kindergarten will be different from preschool. How is transitional kindergarten different from preschool? Just like kindergarten, transitional kindergarten enrollment will be voluntary. Top 10 Questions About Transitional Kindergarten Will transitional kindergarten be mandatory for children with birthdays between September and April? Students will return to their school of residence for traditional kindergarten after their year in TK. Transitional Kindergarten will help students have the best possible start with curriculum that is designed just for them! Parents all over California recognize the benefits of developmental programs such as Transitional Kindergarten. Research shows that children who attend Kindergarten readiness programs, like Transitional Kindergarten, are more likely to do well in school. Transitional Kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn in an enriching and academically challenging environment that nurtures their growth. This will allow students to develop social and academic skills, and the confidence needed for success in Kindergarten and beyond. Starting school is a very exciting time for children and their families! In our district and throughout the state, Transitional Kindergarten will be offered to children turning 5 years old between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024. Is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program.Is offered at regional sites with transportation provided by parents.Taught by Credentialed Teachers specializing in Early Education.Is part of the public school system so there is no charge.